Christmas Dinner and Prize Giving
Over prawn cocktails, steak and turkey dinner’s, conversation at each table ebbed and flowed between successes and failures during the previous 12 months and hopes and aspirations for 2015. Tails of wins, losses, mechanics and crashes fell from many mouths as everything the club had been through turned from an is to a was. At my own table I was joined by Tommy Heaney and Jim Halferty as they waxed lyrical about the successes of their boys this year, at another Tomas McElwee and Sean Bradley debated over tyre pressure and rebound fork settings for 29ers and Michael Kelly was noncommittal on which event he would attend next year, the Ras or Foo Fighters at Slane!
After the meal presentations got underway with club secretary Aidan Higgins acting as compare. The clubs youth were 1st to receive prizes for the countless podiums the green and black graced on the off road races this year, winners included Sean Bradley, Emma and Sarah Elder, Niamh and Eimer Skelly, Eva Gordon and Anna Russell. Martin Bradley, Paul Taylor and Stephen Law were also honoured for success in XC action. Road racing accolades were also plentiful with Johnny Taylor, Ali Gribben, Marc Heaney, Pat Ludlow, Joe McCrory, Barry Russell and Nicky Gormley lifting awards as well as the clubs growing population of iron men! This years club person of the year award went to Shane Elder for his work in organising the off road races and the kids MTB runs that take place fortnightly in Garvagh forest.
With the evenings formalities done and dusted patrons settled into a post dinner drink, while training talk and slagging continued unabated. With the late hour approaching younger members and parents departed for their beds while the rest of us continued on into the wee hours at Marys next door, one wheeler in particular showing off his best moves on the dance floor! All in attendance enjoyed a great night; thanks go to Julian and his staff for putting on a wonderful evening. Thanks also to the committee for their efforts in organising a great night and a successful 2014 and of course to all the members who attended making it another great club night.
A fully gallery of images can be viewed through the photo gallery via the media tab above.