Cycling Ireland Membership 2015
A reminder to all club members that the 2015 application form for your Cycling Ireland license is now live. Through the link below all club members can complete the application form and pay the appropriate fee for the type of license selected. All members are REQUIRED to have a license for insurance purposes, Sunday cyclists should select the leisure license, racers a competition license etc. In order to continue to participate in club events in 2015 all members should get their license ASAP!
The clubs own membership is also up for renewal for 2015. As with the Cycling Ireland license all members MUST complete both the membership & wavier form to continue to participate in club events. Both forms are available through the downloads tab and at the bottom of this page. A registration night for members is being planned for Monday the 15th December in Walsh's Hotel, Maghera starting at 7:30pm, to speed up things on the night can all members please print out and complete the form before the event, thank you.
Thanks to all members for their cooperation and lets have a successful and safe 2015!