Gareth Skelly
7/19/2010 9:13:24 AM
Best wishes to Pat and his family on their trip down under. The club will miss you and that whistle when on our club cycles. Good luck and have a safe trip.
Richard Ferris
7/18/2010 4:38:20 PM
Pat and all your team THANK YOU ALL for today (lap of the lough) great run great lads to be out with.
The Oak Leaf Cycle Slam is a grueling 700 mile cycle will begin on Sunday 22nd August from Owenbeg with all the cyclists hopefully returning on Tuesday 31st August.
Why not join the team on the last training session on Sunday 15th August leaving Owenbeg car park 10.00am around the Sperrin Callenge. £10 entrance fee.
The Oak Leaf Cycle Slam is a grueling 700 mile cycle will begin on Sunday 22nd August from Owenbeg with all the cyclists hopefully returning on Tuesday 31st August.
Why not join the team on the last training session on Sunday 15th August leaving Owenbeg car park 10.00am around the Sperrin Callenge. £10 entrance fee.
peter mc nickle
7/17/2010 5:01:50 PM
hi can any one do the lap of the lough on sun 18th
Yes. Be in Maghera leisure centre for 8.00.
7/16/2010 6:02:28 PM
calling all club members!! if you dont already know i am organising a triathlon in portglenone on saturday 24th july and it starts at 1200. and i need help marshaling this event. so if you can spare a couple of hours on the 24th please let me know. simpson
Gareth Skelly
7/15/2010 11:06:40 AM
Can you tell me and all interested what time the cycle starts on Sunday from Maghera leisure centre. Thank You
Site going to be updated with details later tonight.
Gareth Skelly
7/15/2010 9:37:37 AM
Thanks Mal for your help and input when putting information and photos on the web site.
Fred Legrand
7/12/2010 11:16:19 AM
Dear CarnWheelers, is there a tour of south Derry this year?
Thanks and regards
Thanks and regards
Hi, yes there is a Tour of South Derry this year. Its on the 10th October, 10/10/10. More details to follow.
tommy evans
7/9/2010 2:15:29 PM
still the same time for the charity run on the 17th.
Think it is Sunday 18th? Is that Lap of Lough? We will get it advertised on the site this week.
7/6/2010 1:13:15 PM
Great website!
martin tohill
7/6/2010 12:48:17 PM
Fantastic new web site lads - very browser friendly - excellent on safari on iphone.
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Site By MMC Solutions